Pocket Paging System
Specialty Products
Atlantic Alarm & Sound carries a state-of-the-art line of comprehensive, wireless private paging solutions intended for medium or large hospitals and manufacturing facilities.
These paging systems enable rapid and effective voice and messaging communications. They enhance productivity, improve emergency responsiveness, and they facilitate site inter-communications.
Our systems can be networked with digital wireless telephone systems for a totally wireless enterprise communication capability, and the system is designed to provide high availability of service for mission critical operations.
The most powerful feature is its ability to combine both voice and text paging; the ability to back up the text with a spoken message is essential in mission critical operations. In an emergency, people do not have time to read a message, and a spoken message can tell the user what has happened and where to go, saving valuable time.
Why choose a private paging system over carrier paging?
A private paging system involves an initial investment, but it has an attractive payback. With an on-site paging system you will use a private network that is designed to meet high efficiency standards, and ongoing monthly airtime packages will not be required for each unit. Private paging systems are among the most economical wireless communications available today.
Consider internal doors fitted with keyless lock systems. Studies find that 30% of business thefts and burglaries are accomplished using a duplicate key. (Unauthorized key duplicates can be made at most retail stores.